
Your Questions About Permanent Jewelry, Answered!
Have you ever had to leave your jewelry at home because you were in too much of a rush to struggle with the clasps? Maybe you have that one piece of jewelry you wear absolutely everywhere–to school, the gym, and...
Top 6 Jewelry Trends for 2018

While there are many kinds of jewelry that are timeless, each year, there are new trends in jewelry design, and 2018 is no different.

Advice for Selecting a Great Piece of Valentine’s Day Jewelry

Chocolate, flowers, and jewelry are some of the most common gifts given each Valentine’s Day, and jewelry tends to be the biggest seller for this romantic holiday.

Celebrate the Special People in your Life with Jewelry

The holidays, especially from a marketing perspective, can become somewhat of a blur. Before one is close to taking place, the merchandising for another is sitting right alongside it. This year even before the New Year got underway, the stores began displaying hearts of red and pink and a variety of Valentine’s sweets.